Friday, 31 May 2019

Bone Marrow Transplant Abroad | BMT Abroad | Treatment Abroad

Bone Marrow Transplant India

What is Bone Marrow?

A part of bones called “bone marrow” create blood cells. Marrow is the soft, spongy tissue inside your bones. Bone marrow produces blood cells called “hematopoietic” stem cells. These cells will develop into many different kinds of cells. They can turn into more bone marrow cells. Or they can turn into any type of blood cell.
Certain cancers and different types of diseases keep hematopoietic stem cells from developing normally. If they’re not normal, neither are the blood cells that they make. A stem cell transplant provides you new stem cells. The new stem cells can make new, healthy blood cells. It creates the following parts of the blood. 

What is a Bone Marrow Transplant?

  1. Red Blood Cells: which carry oxygen and nutrients throughout the body.
  2. White Blood Cells: which fight infection.
  3. Platelets: which are responsible for the formation of clots.
Bone Marrow Transplant (BMT) is a special therapy for patients with certain cancers or other diseases. A Bone marrow transplant involves taking cells that are normally found in the bone marrow (stem cells), filtering those cells, and giving them back either to the donor (patient) or to another person. The goal of BMT is to transfuse healthy bone marrow cells into a person after his or her own unhealthy bone marrow has been treated to kill the abnormal cells.
A bone marrow transplant, also called a stem cell transplant, is a treatment for some types of cancer. For example, you might have one if you have leukemia, multiple myeloma, or some types of lymphoma. Doctors also treat some blood diseases with stem cell transplants.

Thursday, 30 May 2019

Apicoectomy | Apicoectomy treatment in India | Surgery Tours India

Apicoectomy treatment in India

What Is An Apicoectomy?

Apicoectomy is the process through which the root tip and its surrounding infected issues of an infected tooth are removed. Generally, this procedure is done when inflammation or infection persists after a root canal treatment. This process is also known as endodontic microsurgery because the procedure is performed under an operating microscope. The other name for it also is Root-End Resection.

When is it necessary to have an apicoectomy?

If after a root canal treatment, a root canal again becomes infected, most of the time it happens because of a problem near the apex of the root. The dentist uses this procedure so that he can fix the problem so that the tooth does not need to be extracted out. This process is done only after at least one root canal procedure.

Some of the cases, it is possible that before an apicoectomy is done, a second root canal treatment is done. After so much of advancement in technology, it has become possible for the dentists that they can easily detect those canals, which were properly treated. This the time when doing a second root canal procedure becomes the option instead of an apicoectomy.

This process must not be understood as being same to a root resection, where an entire root is removed instead of the tip.

Wednesday, 29 May 2019

Neural Stem Cell Therapy India | Surgery Tour India


Stem Cells are identical biological cells, which can make different specialized cells and can split to create more Stem Cells. They are easily found in multi-cellular organisms. In full grown organisms, Stem Cells work to mend the body system, restocking adult tissues. Adult Stem Cells are normally used in medical therapies, for example in bone marrow transplantation. Stem Cells can now be artificially grown and changed into specific cell kind with features dependable on cells of various tissues such as muscles or nerves.


The various parts of the brain and spinal cord have different and specific cells. Stem cell technology allows the separation and growth of neural stem cells from these regions of the central nervous system (CNS) in almost boundless numbers from a single tissue. The basic idea of stem cell therapy is to restore and/or fix dead or diseased cells. Neural stem cell therapy is developing area specific cells that are pre-suited to the duties assigned to them once transferred into the CNS. For spinal cord indications, it is advisable to use human NSI-566 spinal cord stem cells only.

There are two fundamental styles that these cells can provide therapeutic effects:
By creating: The cells may assist in creating new circuitry
By expressing: The cells may express reasons that look after existing cells
CEREBRAL PALSY TREATMENT WITHOUT SURGERYCerebral Palsy is the most common physical disability that may arise during pregnancy, but can also be caused by complications at birth, or following injury or illness after birth. Cerebral Palsy is a broader term for the effects of damage to a developing brain by diverse causes. Symptoms of Cerebral palsy include difficulties in walking, balance and motor control, eating, swallowing, speech or coordination of eye movements. Stem cell therapies for cerebral palsy aim to limit the damage to cells in the brain and reduce the symptoms. The brain and spinal cord contain cells called neural precursor cells, which can develop into the specialized cells of the brain. One idea is that these neural precursor cells could be transplanted into cerebral palsy patients or used to make new nerve cells in the lab to replace lost cells in the patient's brain. Umbilical cord blood stem cells can be a potential treatment for cerebral palsy and support the recovery of damaged nerve cells by releasing substances that stimulate the body's own repair systems.

Friday, 24 May 2019

Cancer Treatment Packages in India | Cancer Surgery India

Cancer Treatment Packages in India

Cancer Treatment Packages India
  • Cancer Treatments Cost India.No of Ward daysProcedure Cost (USD)Advanced Oral Cancer Treatment - Surgery, Radiation and/or Chemotherapy cost in India 7 days 4500-7500
  • Whipple Procedure for Pancreatic Cancer cost in India 14-21 days 8000
  • Total Pancreatectomy for Pancreatic Cancer cost in India 14-21 days 8000 to 12000
  • Radical Hysterectomy for Pancreatic Cancer cost in India Depends upon the treatment 5000
  • Advanced Esophageal Cancer Surgery cost in India Depends upon the treatment 6500 to 8500
  • Ovarian Cancer: Radiation Therapy cost in India Depends upon the treatment 3,000
  • Ovarian Cancer: Chemotherapy cost in India Depends upon the treatment 4,000
  • Ovarian Cancer: Radical Hysterectomy cost in India Depends upon the treatment 5,000
  • Brain Cancer Surgery- Craniotomy cost in India 5-7 days 9,000
  • Brain Cancer Surgery - Micro Surgery cost in India Depends upon the treatment 12,000
  • Brain Cancer Surgery - Gamma Knife Surgery cost in India Depends upon the treatment 6,500
  • Laparoscopic Minimally Invasive Thyroid Surgery cost in India 2 6000
  • Breast Cancer Treatment - Complete Medical Evaluation 2 1800
  • Breast Cancer Treatment - Conservative or Modified Radical Mastectomy in India Depends upon the treatment 4500
  • Colon Cancer Treatment - Complete Medical Evaluation 2 days 1500
  • Laparoscopic Radical Prostatectomy Surgery cost in India Depends upon the treatment 7000
  • HIFU Treatment for Prostate Cancer Surgery cost in India Depends upon the treatment of 9500
  • Colon Cancer Treatment - Cryosurgery cost in India Depends upon the treatment 7,500
  • Colon Cancer Treatment - Polypectomy cost in India Depends upon the treatment 3,000
  • Colon Cancer Treatment - Bowel Diversion Surgery cost in India Depends upon the treatment 6,000
  • Bone cancer treatment cost in India 7-14 days 6500- 9500
  • Cervical cancer treatment cost in India Depends upon the treatment 6000 to 7000
  • Gallbladder cancer treatment cost in India 7 days 5500 to 7000
  • Head and neck cancer treatment cost in India 7 days 5500 -7000
  • Leukemia cancer Treatment cost in India 14-21 days 6000-9000
  • Liver cancer treatment cost in India 14-21 days 8000-12000
  • Lung cancer treatment cost in India 14-21 days 8000-12000
  • Lymphedema treatment cost in India 14-21 days 6000-9000
  • Lymphoma Cancer Treatment cost in India 14-21 days 7000-9000
  • Prostate cancer treatment cost in India 14-21 days 4000 -6000
  • Stomach cancer treatment cost in India 14-21 days 8000-12000
  • Uterine cancer treatment cost in India 7 days 6000 -7000
  • Radio Frequency Ablation for Liver Cancer treatment cost in India 8-12 days 14000-21000

Thursday, 23 May 2019

Cancer Surgery in India | Cancer Treatment Packages India

What Is Cancer?

 cancer surgery in India

Cancer is a medical term used to refer any one of a large number of diseases, characterized by the development of abnormal cells. Diseased cells grow and divide uncontrollably. They have the ability to infiltrate and destroy normal body tissue. The disease also has the ability to spread throughout your body by the means of lymph systems and blood. Cancer cannot be specifically regarded as one disease rather it is made up of many diseases.

Causes of Cancer

Cancer is caused by changes (mutations) to the DNA within cells. The DNA inside a cell contains a set of instructions guiding the cell on how to grow and divide. Any disruption in the instructions may allow a cell to become cancerous.

A gene mutation can instruct a healthy cell to:

Allow rapid growth. As cells grow and divide more rapidly, this creates many new cells that all have that same mutation.
Fail to stop uncontrolled cell growth. Normal cells know when to stop growing so that you have just the right number of each type of cell. Cancer cells lose control (tumor suppressor genes) that tell them when to stop growing. An alteration in a tumor suppressor gene allows cancer cells to continue growing.
Making mistakes when repairing DNA errors. DNA repair genes, look for errors in a cell's DNA and make required corrections. A mutation in a DNA repair gene may mean that other errors are not corrected, leading cells to become cancerous.

These mutations are the most common ones found in cancer. But many other gene mutations can contribute to causing cancer.

Gene mutations can occur for several reasons, for instance:

Gene mutations you are born with. You may be born with a genetic mutation that you have inherited from your parents. This type of mutation accounts for a small percentage of cancers.
Gene mutations that occur after birth. Most gene mutations occur after you are born and are not inherited. A number of forces can cause gene mutations, such as smoking, radiation, viruses, cancer-causing chemicals (carcinogens), obesity, hormones, chronic inflammation and a lack of exercise.

The gene mutations you are born with and those that you acquire throughout your life, together cause cancer. If you have inherited a genetic mutation that predisposes you to cancer, that does not mean you are certain to get cancer. One or more, gene mutations combines to cause cancer. It is likely that this varies among cancer types. You are more likely to develop cancer when exposed to a certain cancer-causing substance.

Tuesday, 21 May 2019

Gallbladder Cancer treatment in India | Surgery Tours India

Gallbladder Cancer Treatment in India

What Is Gallbladder Cancer ?

 Gallbladder Cancer  treatment

The cancer that starts in the gallbladder is known as gallbladder cancer. This cancer starts in the innermost layer of tissue that then spreads from the outer layers as it develops. A gall bladder is basically located on the right side of the abdomen, just below the liver. Bile (a digestive fluid) is stored in the gallbladder.

Types of Gallbladder Cancer

Gallbladder cancer has been categorized into different types that depend on the cells affected. A large number of gallbladder cancers are Adenocarcinomas which is considered as the most common type. Adenocarcinomas begin in the gland cells that line the gallbladder. Papillary Adenocarcinomas, also referred to as papillary cancer, is also considered as a type of gallbladder cancer. Other uncommon gallbladder cancers include squamous cell carcinoma, adenosquamous carcinoma, sarcomas and small cell carcinomas.

Causes of Gallbladder Cancer

There are no known causes of gallbladder cancer. When there are changes in the DNA of healthy gallbladder cells then it results in the development of gallbladder cancer. These changes result in uncontrollable growth of cells that continue to live instead of dying. The build-up of these cells develops a tumor that can grow beyond the gallbladder and spreads to different body parts.

Symptoms of Gallbladder Cancer

  • There are no visible symptoms of gallbladder cancer in its early stages. 
  • Some of the later symptoms include -
  • Jaundice
  • Pain in the upper right side of the abdomen
  • Weight loss
  • Feeling sick or feeling of vomiting
  • Enlarged gallbladder
  • Bloating
  • Fever

Monday, 20 May 2019

Neuro Oncology Treatment in India | Surgery Tours India

What Is Neuro-Oncology?

The branch of medicine that study tumor of the nervous system is termed as neuro-oncology. Following are several objectives of neuro-oncology -
To know the prognostic factors that are influencing glioma outcome.
To treat primary peripheral and central nervous system tumors
A careful study of typical radiological appearance, prognosis and treatment options for the neurological complications of cancer such as epidural spinal cord compression and brain metastases.
A careful study of signs and symptoms of brain tumors in children and adults
Neurological complications associated with systemic cancer
A careful study of typical radiological appearance, prognosis and treatment options for primary brain tumors such as brain stem glioma, low-grade glioma, medulloblastoma, and glioblastoma.

Brain Cancer

Cancerous growth or tumor in the brain is termed as brain cancer. A tumor is usually a mass of cells that reproduce themselves in an abnormal manner. Brain tumor can be categorized into two types- metastatic brain tumor and primary brain tumor. A metastatic brain tumor can begin from any part of the body and travels to the brain. Whereas, a primary brain tumor begins within the brain. These brain tumors can be malignant with cancer cells or benign with no cancer cells.

Symptoms of Brain Cancer

  • Tingling or numbness in legs or arms
  • Headaches that get worse in the morning
  • Problems with walking or balance
  • Muscle twitching or jerking
  • Drowsiness
  • Vomiting and nausea
  • Problems with memory or thinking
  • Memory and concentration difficulties
  • Personality changes
  • Irritability
  • Altered mental status

Saturday, 18 May 2019

Skin Cancer Treatment in India - hospitals and doctors

Skin Cancer Treatment in India
 Skin cancer treatment

What Is Skin Cancer?

The abnormal or unusual growth of skin cells that develops on the skin exposed to the sun. Melanoma, basal cell carcinoma, and squamous cell carcinoma are the three main types of skin cancer. Squamous cell carcinoma and basal cell carcinoma are the most common and their treatment is also very effective. Malignant melanoma in its later stages is difficult to treat.
Causes of Skin Cancer

Solariums: UVB and UVA radiation are emitted by solariums that cause skin cancer. Cosmetic tanning is not recommended by many doctors under any circumstances.

Sunburn: Sunburn is considered as the chief reason that causes melanoma. Sunburn can even happen in cool temperatures as UV radiation is still strong at that time. Burning is not caused by sun exposure rather it results in damaging of the skin cells and also increases the risk of developing a skin cancer. Persistent exposure to UV radiation year after year can also cause skin cancer.

Tanning: Over exposure to UV radiation from the solarium or sun can results in tanning that damages the skin. A tanned skin will lose its elasticity that can cause wrinkles. There could also be the appearance of brown patches on the skin or discoloration of the skin can also be there. These all conditions will increase the chances of skin cancer.

Symptoms of Skin Cancer

Some of the symptoms of basal cell cancers include -
Sunken or flat growth that is hard and can be yellow or white
A reddish patch of dry skin that does not heal
The waxy scar that could be yellow, skin colored or white
A pimple that does not clear
Red or shiny pink growths that appear like sores that is usually scaly and bleed easily
Brown, pink or red color pear-shaped lump
Sore that bleeds heals and then returns back

Friday, 17 May 2019

Cancer Treatment in India - Tonsil Cancer Hospital India

Tonsil Cancer Treatment in India

About Tonsil Cancer:

Tonsil cancer is one of the head and neck cancers which develops in the Oropharynx, which is located at the back of your throat.

Risk Factors: Some individuals are more likely to get tonsil cancer because of their lifestyle.

Alcohol and tobacco: Smoking and regular drinking can increase the risk of tonsil cancer, especially when you drink and smoke together
Infections: If you are infected with the virus HPV (Human Papillomavirus) or HIV, you are at an increased risk of getting the cancer
Age: More common in people above the age of 50
You are also likely to get tonsil cancer if you have had an organ transplant)
Chewing Betel quid (paan) is also considered to increase the cancer risk


  • Sores in the backside of the mouth that does not heal easily
  • Swollen tonsil with different sizes
  • Difficulty in swallowing
  • Swollen lymph nodes in the neck
  • Bad breath and hoarseness
  • Ear and throat pain

Thursday, 16 May 2019

Brachytherapy Treatment Cost in India - Cancer Treatment India

Brachytherapy Treatment in India

What Is Brachytherapy?

Brachytherapy, also known as internal radiation therapy, is considered as one of the type of radiation therapy for treating cancer. Radioactive material is placed within the tumor or close to the tumor. The technique of Brachytherapy is used for delivering a higher dose of radiation for treating a small area in very less time as compared with external beam radiation treatment. The different types of cancers throughout the body are treated by Brachytherapy that may include -

Head and Neck

Brachytherapy Treatment Cost in India VS Other Countries

India is the most preferable destination for patients who are looking for low cost Brachytherapy treatment.
Brachytherapy treatment cost in India is comparatively affordable than in the other countries in the world.
The healthcare facilities in India and its allied services are available at the most reasonable price. The best surgeons in India boast of super specialty training and academic qualifications from some of the top medical institutions and hospitals in the US, UK and other developed countries.
Indians, as well as other foreign nationals coming to India for Brachytherapy, can avail it at 20% to 40% less of the total cost in the US or UK.
The cost of Brachytherapy in India for overseas patients is inclusive of hospital stay, pick up from the airport, medicines, consumables and surgeon fees.

Brachytherapy treatment cost in India based on the type of cancer/conditions in various countries is given in the chart/table below. The price comparison is given in USD.

Wednesday, 15 May 2019

Pancreatic Cancer Treatment in India - Hospitals & Doctors

Pancreatic Cancer Treatment in India

What Is Pancreatic Cancer?

Cancer that grows inside the pancreas is known as pancreatic cancer. The pancreas is the gland that is about 6 inches long that makes hormones including the enzymes responsible for controlling blood sugar and also helps in digesting food. The development of pancreatic cancer starts when the cells inside the pancreas grow out of control. This cancer may metastasize or spread top surrounding organs and lymph nodes such as lungs and liver. There are three parts of the pancreas that include -
Tail: It is the end of the pancreas close to the spleen
Head: It is a part of the pancreas near to liver ducts and small bowel
Body: It is the middle of the pancreas

Approximately 90% of pancreatic cancer grows in the head of the pancreas.
Types of Pancreatic Cancer

Pancreatic cancer can be categorized into different types that depend on whether or not cancer began in the endocrine or exocrine component. Pancreatic cancer types include -

Endocrine Tumors: Endocrine tumors also referred to as pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors (PNETs) or islet cell tumors are not so common as compared to exocrine tumors. A pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor could be non-functioning that means it does not make any hormones or it could also be functioning that means it can make hormones. The base of a functioning neuroendocrine tumor is on the hormone that cells usually make -

Tuesday, 14 May 2019

Hand and Wrist Surgery India - Hospitals, Doctors, Cost, Treatment

Hand & Wrist Surgery in India

The movement and power in hands and wrists are controlled by muscles and tendons. Hand and wrist surgery refers to the treatment of bones and soft tissue injuries with the use of the latest equipment and tools.

Who should consider hand & wrist surgery?

It is not necessary that people who have arthritis-related problems with their hands and wrists need surgery. But those who need it, surgery is a great help in relieving pain and in the improvement of the functioning of the hand.
Whether A Surgery Is Needed Or Not, Following becoming The Considerations:
The severity of the problem
The preferences of the patient
The response of the patient to other treatments

Most Common Hand and Wrist Injuries

Following Are Some Of Hand And Wrist Conditions Which Need Surgery:
Bone and Joint Problems of the Wrist and Hand- Fractures and dislocations, Arthritis, Joint contractures and Amputations
Muscle, Tendon and Ligament- Tendon lacerations (ruptures), Ligament and cartilage injuries and Tendon inflammation
Nerve- Nerve laceration or palsy and Nerve compression (carpal tunnel syndrome)
Skin and Soft Tissue Issues Ganglion cysts in wrists and hands, Foreign body evaluation and removal, Nailbed and fingertip injuries, Infections, burns, or contractures and Skin grafts
Vascular Microvascular repair and Surgical treatment of Raynaud's and another vasospastic disease
Congenital Duplicate thumb and Syndactyly